Joe Howe

Musician & Sound Designer,
Based in Glasgow.

Email / Instagram

Sound and Music for Theatre

'Die Geschichte vom Soldaten Elik' Santiago Blaum (2014)

"Die Geschichte vom Soldaten Elik" von Santiago Blaum (Trailer) from Switch On on Vimeo.

Premiered on the 31st of January 2014 at Sophiensaele, 'Die Geschichte vom Soldaten Elik' tells the story of Elik Niv, an Israeli elite solider who left his homeland to establish a career as a contemporary dancer in Germany. On the stage he encounters the devil, like in Stravinsky’s 'L’Histoire du Soldat', and must enter into negotiations with him: reality and fiction, a biography and historical facts melt into one.

For this 2nd time working under Santiago Blaum, I provided the musical score (Synthesizers, Sound Design) for this piece, using Stravinsky's originals as inspiration to create vivid, colourful, chaotic electronic pieces.

'Switch On - Konferenzoper' Santiago Blaum (2010)

SWITCH ON - Konferenzoper von Santiago Blaum. from Switch On on Vimeo.

"Switch On - Konferenzoper uber der Himmelfahrt der elektronischen Musik als barockes Bild" was written and directed by Santiago Blaum, premiering at Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin) in october 2010.

This Opera posits parallels between the invention and popularisation of the synthesizer and 16th century Florence, when Vincenzo Galilei and his friends accidentally invented the opera: analysis and synthesis. My role was (working with Santiago's musical arrangements) to programme the 'Baroque Synthesizer Sounds' of the piece, alongside 2 pieces of original music.